Pollutants variation in Badalona:

In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutants along the years in the city of Badalona.

Carbon Monoxide

In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutant Carbon Monoxide along the years in the city of Badalona.

Here it's clear that from 1999 to 2001 the levels of carbon monoxide were high, specifically in winter, and at nights, which makes sense because in this months, the energy demand increases because the weather requires it. We can see that before 2001 the carbon monoxide decreased, and the last year that we have data is in 2013, were the CO levels were on the lowest point ever registered. Carbon monoxide never surpased EU's and WHO's health limits, because the highest mark registered is 3.5 µg/m3

Nitric oxide

In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutant Nitric Oxide along the years in the city of Badalona.

According to the grafic, the levels of Nitric oxide in Badalona decreased with years, and as it happened with the last pollutant, the highest marks are registered at winter months. By some reason that we don't know, in 2003 december, the NO was at his peak, rounding the 350 µg/m3, but by the next month levels wer low again being under 60 µg/m3. At this specific point was the only time that NO supered the health limit of WHO and EU.

Nitrogen oxides

In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutant Nitrogen Oxides along the years in the city of Badalona.

Nitrogen oxides were first recorded in Badalona in 2011, and we can see that until 2020, the levels didn't decreased. We have three peaks of NOX on december of 2015,2016,2017, which tells us that probably on this years, decembers were so cold that they needed to make combustion of Nitrogen to get heat. These 3 peaks round the 200 to 300 µg/m3, and this are the only times were it supered the WHO health limit.


In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutant Ozone along the years in the city of Badalona.

Ozone works different apart from Nitrogen oxides, because when NO, NO2 or NOX decreases, Ozone increases. And we can see that when it's on heat months, Ozone increases, surpasing every year the WHO and EU health limit. Ozone has a regular pattern every year, and even having some slight variations, almost every year on summer increases to the same limits rounding the 100 µg/m3.


In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutant Polystyrene along the years in the city of Badalona.

We have very few data from Polystyrene, since it was only registered from 1999 to 2004, but in this years it's clear that fromm the begin until the end decreased to low parameters, decreasing from levels around 80-100 µg/m3 to 40-60 µg/m3. There is also a protuberance in october of 2001, were the levels of Polystyrene increased a lot, and after this month levels returned to normallity.

Sulfur dioxide

In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutant Sulfur Dioxide along the years in the city of Badalona.

With sulfur dioxide, it's on the view of everyone that, leaving aside 1999, 2000 and 2001, the rest of years there isn't almost Sulfur dioxide, probably on 2001 there was some kind of treatment where it was decided to decrease the levels of this pollutant, because on the next years marks decreased a lot. Is interesting to see that on 2001, at june mst have had to happen something in Badalona, because the level of Sulfur dioxide on the 10th of June have de peak ofthe city in this graphic, rounding the 100 µg/m3, and it's strange because teh highest peaks before that rounded teh 40 µg/m3.

Nitrogen dioxide

In this graphic we can see the variation of the pollutant Nitrogen Dioxide along the years in the city of Badalona.

The levels of NO2, have been decreasing since 2001, but we can see that on winters it's still being used, because every year when the cold season starts NO2 increases and when summer arrives decreases again. From 2000 until today, we can see that levels decreased a lot, being on 2001 the marks of NO2 every month rounding the 80 µg/m3, and today rounding the 20 µg/m3. On 2001 in May, the NO2 levels increased suddently, being round the 140 µg/m3, and it's teh highest peak of this pollutant in Badalona. The health limits impodsed by WHO and EU, were surpased in a lot of years, especially before from 2020.


Almost all of the pollutants have been decreased in Badalona, and when they increase, or have their peak, is normally at the winter months, and if we look deep at nights, where it's more necessary to produce energy to warm up ourselves. The decrease of pollutants may mean that when the years have been passing, people are more concerned about how pollutants can affect our lives, and we evolved to a society where we try to don't increase the pollution. Another way to explain the decrease of pollution is the fact that many factorys, and the machines that humans use habitually (technology in general), have evolved to being more eco-friendly with the ecosystem, such as transports or informatic devices decreasing pollution in general.

Wind direction explanation:

Although i haven't been able to create the wind direction graphic, where the pollutants graphics and the speed and direction of the wind were combined (we created two tables getting data from meteosat, and with this data I created the graphics of the pollutants, and also got another table where the wind factor is the main variable here.), I tried to draw my own conclusions looking a map of Badalona., and the data that both tables got to me.

As an example of how the table is, I did an image of it:

And this is a graphic of a partner who has been able to do the graphic of wind direction properly:

Taking this two images as example, and realising that in the table the ws is measured in m/s and the wd is in degrees, I have been able to do some observations. The fact that Badalona is so near to the city of Barcelona, means that when the air is in the range of degrees pointing towards Barcelona, a big concentration of pollutants is dragged to Badalona. Also there are big citys around Badalona as Sabadell or Mataró, with big industries that also draggs pollution when the air of there goes to Badalona.

This is a map of Badalona to make you ubicate geographically: